Code of Conduct for Directors

Code of Conduct for Directors


Article 1: Directorship

As a director, I agree to:

  • Understand my legal duties as a director.
  • Assume individual and collective responsibility for the (NAME OF ORGANISATION).
  • Apply judgement in the (NAME OF ORGANISATION) ’s interest.
  • Ensure that the (NAME OF ORGANISATION) complies with the law.
  • Maintain the financial viability of the (NAME OF ORGANISATION) and, if that is no longer possible, take appropriate action to protect the interests of creditors.
  • Devote sufficient time and attention to my role.
  • Attend as many board meetings as possible and participate fully in deliberations.


Article 2: Integrity

As a director, I agree to:

  • Act honestly, in good faith and in the best interest of the (NAME OF ORGANISATION).
  • Place the interests of the (NAME OF ORGANISATION) above my personal interests.
  • Be open and transparent to the rest of the board in respect of my personal interests and activities.
  • Exercise independent judgment.
  • Take reasonable steps to be satisfied as to the soundness of all board decisions.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest wherever possible and, if this is not possible, make full and prior disclosure of any conflict, or potential conflict, to the rest of the board.
  • If there are matters of concern raise these with other board members, including the chair and chief executive.
  • Recognise that resignation or dismissal from the board may sometimes be the ultimate consequence of sustained disagreement on a matter of conscience or judgement.
  • Adhere to collective responsibility for agreed board decisions.



Article 3: Responsible business

As a director, I agree to:

  • Ensure that the (NAME OF ORGANISATION) behaves in a socially responsible manner and acts in accordance with its community interest objectives.
  • Evaluate board decisions in a broad social context and be conscious of the impact on society and the environment.
  • Encourage the board to regularly review its business purpose, which articulates why the (NAME OF ORGANISATION) exists and the problems it is seeking to solve.
  • Ensure that the (NAME OF ORGANISATION) is mindful of addressing climate change and the environmental impact of its decisions and actions.
  • Ensure that suppliers are paid in a timely manner, particularly small and medium size enterprise.


Article 4: Inclusion and diversity 

As a director, I agree to:

  • Promote an inclusive approach to board composition and business practice, which recognises the contribution that diversity brings.
  • Advocate the benefits of inclusion and diversity in enhancing decision making, attracting talented employees, and building trust among stakeholders.


Article 5: Stakeholders

As a director, I agree to:

  • Pay regard to the interests of all stakeholders with a legitimate interest in the success of the (NAME OF ORGANISATION).
  • Build the goodwill and commitment of stakeholders towards the (NAME OF ORGANISATION).
  • Help develop strong lines of communication and mutual understanding with relevant stakeholders.


Article 6: Confidentiality

As a director, I agree to:

  • Not disclose confidential information received in my role as a director, unless that disclosure has been authorised by the board or is required by law.
  • Not make improper use of information acquired by virtue of my role as a director.


Article 7: Continuing development of the Board

As a director, I agree to:

  • Participating in regular (probably annual) reviews of the board’s collective performance and the contribution of directors.


Article 8: Personal conduct

As a director, I agree to:

  • Exhibit high standards of personal conduct, both inside and outside of the boardroom.
  • Take into account the impact of my behaviour on employees and other stakeholders.
  • Avoid behaviour which might affect the reputation of the (NAME OF ORGANISATION), or which contradicts its values.
  • Treat others with respect, dignity and consideration, including colleagues, employees and other stakeholders.

There is an easy view guide on the responsibilities of a director by Companies House which can be found here:  COMPANIES HOUSE GUIDE TO BEING A DIRECTOR

Specific guidance on the governance of Community Interest Companies can be found at:


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