Core Values For Working Together Effectively

Fishing into the Future’s Core Values sets out a series of guiding principles that were created through genuine conversations between fishermen, scientists, and managers. These values aim to create effective working relationships and support thriving, co-managed fisheries.

What are the Core Values for?

The way UK fisheries are managed is changing. The Joint Fisheries Statement (2022) signals a movement toward co-management – where the industry and policymakers collaborate in decision-making.

However, this collaborative approach is untested before in the UK. The Core Values guidance provides a readymade blueprint for the UK government to useĀ  when setting up new systems and processes to ensure effective working relationships between fishermen and fisheries managers, placing co-management on steadier foundations.

How were the Core Values brought together?

The Core Values guidance is not the work of a single author, but emerged from genuine in-person conversations between fishermen, scientists and managers at FITF’s Fisheries Resource Education Programme (F-REP) – a series of 3-day in-person residential events. This inclusive, outside-the-box approach to understanding the different needs and perspectives of those who need to work together effectively in new, joint decision-making structures is what gives the Core Values their credibility. It means we can be confident the guidance reflects the views of all the varied groups involved.

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